Are you a male slut after my girlfriend?

Q. are you just one of those male sluts that is after every guy’s girlfriend?

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Hmm. I guess I’ll have to start by looking up the definition of ‘slut’

I think ‘slut’ it an interesting choice of word because it implies that having sex is bad. Especially having sex with more than one partner. It’s used to shame people.

Sex it not bad. ….it’s necessary, it’s part of nature. It’s human.

It feels good for a reason. Can you imagine if it didn’t feel good? The human race would be gone by now. We’d be like those pandas that they can’t get to breed.

Sex is not bad… but it is something you have to do responsibly. It’s like all the beer commercials end with “drink responsibly”. Is beer bad? Can it be use wrong or abused, or lead to bad things? Yes. Sex is the same. Maybe I should end all my videos with “kink responsibly”

I love this next part “are you after my girlfriend”?

Ha ha. No. Far from it.

I think it’s pretty funny how insecure and defensive men and women get when they find out I’m poly for the first time.

Women like to announce they have a boyfriend or are “taken”.

Men also like to remind me that a specific women is “theirs”. (she’s with me)

It’s kind of sad how quickly their insecurities and possession come out. If you trusted each other, you would need to say that. I don’t want any part of your cute little codependent fairytale.

“you complete me” “she’s my better half” “I’m nothing without you”

It’s funny how people assume

I’m not interested in your girlfriend. I have a lot of female friends and sex has nothing to do with that.

Maybe that’s a secret I should share…

Guys, if you’re only objective is to get in every woman’s pants. You’re toxic.

If you’re only reason for talking to women is to try and hump their leg, then you’ve cut out half the population from ever being one of your best friends in life.

I think it’s hysterical how many men think their all or nothing pursue of women is how I’m expected to function.

Here’s the thing though, I’m not interested in your girlfriend. I have a lot of female friends and SEX has nothing to do with that. What if that’s really the thing you are afraid of?

I am going to connect with women for the sake of making awesome, life long, relationships. I am going to treat her like an individual, not like your property, with respect, not with sexist imbalances. You are going to see me connect with your women in ways that are going to make you jealous because I’m not trying to get in her pants and I’m enjoying her for who she is. I’m simply enjoying company and engaging in her personality’s unique interests. I’m going to listen. I’m going to appreciate what she’s struggled through, I’m going to cheer for where she’s headed. I’m going to be her friend and treat her like an equal.

Maybe you should try it. Maybe you should try treating her like an equal instead of possession or a prize to be won.

But getting back to it, no, I’m not after your girlfriend.

I’ve said this in a previous video: I’m not interested in monogamous women. Even when they are single. Watch this next video and you’ll see why.


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