Brainwash Anti-Virus – 4 Steps To Un-brainwash Yourself

Not all the thoughts in your head are facts and many thoughts aren’t even your own. Detect and uninstall these ideas from your head with this un-brainwash yourself tutorial.

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  • I want to give credit where credit is due. “I am _____. People are _____. And Life is _____” is from either one of Gary John Bishop’s books or Mark Manson’s book. (I can’t remember which, but all 3 of these books are AWESOME! I’ll link them all.)
  • Mark Manson’s The Suble Art of Not Giving a F*ck:
  • Gary John Bishop: UnFu*k Yourself:
  • Gary John Bishop: Stop Doing That Sh*t:

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Which do you like better? Google Maps or Apple Maps? Have you tried them both or have you only ever used the one that’s already on your phone? If you tried them both and picked the one that made the most sense, do you think your life would be better or worse?

I think about the human mind as a computer or a cell phone. The more apps you install, the more your phone can do. All the apps take up space and will send you notifications to try to get you to pay attention to different things and help you in different circumstances. For the most part, I don’t care what apps are on your phone because your phone’s setup best for you and my phone’s setup works best for me.

Now think about it, when you get a brand new phone, it comes with app already pre-installed on it. Someone else decided to pre-install those apps on your phone because they had reason. Maybe google wants you to use google maps and apple wants you to use apple maps. They didn’t ask you, the phone just comes that way because it’s a benefit to google or apple.

Those pre-installed apps are what I’m referring to when I talk about your brainwashing. I’m talking about the pre-installed programming in your head that various outside forces convinced you that you needed to have while growing up. Instead of google maps or apple maps, I’m talking about things like, which side of the road you drive one, how you intereact with people at work, what’s your default breakfast in the moring, your political party, your religion, how you interact with cops, or restaurant staff, your thoughts on money, time, love, relationships. Don’t think, just complete this sentence. I am _______. People are ________. Life is _________. What did you come up with? Did you come up with those conclusions or did someone else install those apps in your head when you were younger?
When I used the word “brainwashing”, I’m talking about all those programs that are running in your head that were installed before you ever got a chance to consider who you want to be and who you chose to be. When I say “brainwashing”, I’m talking about any thought or idea in your head that you operate on and you’ve never questioned.

When was the last time you took inventory of the apps running in your mind and tested them out to see if they were useful or just spam or adware. What would you find if you could walk through all the programs running in your head? Would you find a bunch of assumptions and decisions that were made when you were a kid? Would you find your parents or family’s voice, or your teachers voice, the TV’s voice, or your teacher’s voice, or a religions voice? How many things do you think you would find that you thought were facts but you never actually got a change to confirm? Things other people told you somewhere on long the line that you never questioned or confirmed. For example, when I was a kid, I overheard an adult telling another adult about how a potted bamboo tree had roached living in it. As a kid of 5 years old, I concluded that roaches must life in bamboo trees and all bamboo trees had cockroaches in them. That’s just wrong. That’s a program that a 5 year old installed in me that I didn’t discover was wrong until I was in my teenager years. Another example is that I believed in Santa Claus as a kid. That wasn’t a little kid’s conclusion, that was a program adults installed in me. It wasn’t until I was 12 or so that I started to realize the program was a lie and had to update the app.

What apps are running in your head that need to be updated? What apps in your head are not serving you, or are flat out not true? Wouldn’t you like to discover them sooner than later? Well here’s how to discover your own brainwashing and reprogram yourself.

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