
The Watchmaker, Santa, & God

Hey Humans! We need to stop putting up with BS stories from people trying to manipulate us. “The Watchmaker” is a little BS story that is supposed to “prove” an intelligent designer exists. Really, it’s just a bunch of words that are mislabeled as “logic” intended on confusing you into the story teller’s BS “conclusions”.

Call Out Bullies & Bully Tactics

This topic is near and dear to my heart. I grew up with an adult bully in my household. Now that I’m grown, I still keep running into adult bullies who push social norms and what various things are “supposed to” look like. Like relationship norms, gender norms, sexual norm, nudity norms, and religious norms. I want to arm more people with the tools to stand up to these bullies.

How Religion Hijacks You

This one is about all the subtle ways religion sucks you in. Religion is pretty ingenious actually. Religion tries to hijack anything that “works” then licks it and tries to claim things as it’s own. I discovered a lot of this through my passion for productivity hacking and life hacking tips.