Atheist – Kinky Poly Atheist Welcome to the Sexual Revolution Wed, 03 Feb 2021 21:12:07 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Atheist – Kinky Poly Atheist 32 32 What does the Bible control you to do? Or stop you from doing? Tue, 02 Feb 2021 15:31:11 +0000
Here’s a questions from the comments area of one of my YouTube videos on “Why don’t I believe in god?” (link)
What does the Bible control you to do? Or stop you from doing?

Great Questions.

The bible attempts to position itself as the authority on right and wrong by claiming to have been written by a divine hand (aka “because god”). This allows the authors to make any rule they want as right or wrong and how everyone must obey that rule or go to hell (all without evidence of god or hell). From there many big, small, silly, or insidious rules to govern human behavior arise. Rules on what you can eat (Leviticus 11:2) and rules about killing gay people (Leviticus 20:13). Basically, if anyone finds themselves doing anything “because god said so” or “because the bible said so”, I invite them to question it. In many cases, I challenge them to compare that belief to “the golden rule” in order to see if it’s actually fair to everyone or immoral. For example, the bible has rules on how to correctly enslave others (Leviticus 25:44-46) and rules on how to beat your slaves (Exodus 21:20-21). Killing someone for who they sleep with is immoral because we wouldn’t want anyone to kill us. Enslaving others is immoral because we wouldn’t want anyone to enslave us. Beating a slave to death is immoral because we wouldn’t want anyone to enslave and beat us to death. Yet the bible not only makes those things “okay”, but in some cases, commands it.

But here’s the thing.

IT DOESN’T MATTER WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS BECAUSE it’s all built on “because god” and there is no evidence of god.

The bible was written and rewritten by men who said whatever they wanted while using “because god said so” as a means to not only make you obey the men using this book to their advantage but to make it perfectly okay to carryout horrible punishment and even murder when people didn’t obey their book.

The bible is a cleverly disguised collection of lies that not only encourages it’s readers to blindly obey but to also blindly punish anyone who attempts to question it.

For more on this topic, check out the Atheist Category.

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Brainwash Anti-Virus – 4 Steps To Un-brainwash Yourself Fri, 25 Dec 2020 13:52:00 +0000
Not all the thoughts in your head are facts and many thoughts aren’t even your own. Detect and uninstall these ideas from your head with this un-brainwash yourself tutorial.

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  • More Atheist Videos
  • I want to give credit where credit is due. “I am _____. People are _____. And Life is _____” is from either one of Gary John Bishop’s books or Mark Manson’s book. (I can’t remember which, but all 3 of these books are AWESOME! I’ll link them all.)
  • Mark Manson’s The Suble Art of Not Giving a F*ck:
  • Gary John Bishop: UnFu*k Yourself:
  • Gary John Bishop: Stop Doing That Sh*t:

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Which do you like better? Google Maps or Apple Maps? Have you tried them both or have you only ever used the one that’s already on your phone? If you tried them both and picked the one that made the most sense, do you think your life would be better or worse?

I think about the human mind as a computer or a cell phone. The more apps you install, the more your phone can do. All the apps take up space and will send you notifications to try to get you to pay attention to different things and help you in different circumstances. For the most part, I don’t care what apps are on your phone because your phone’s setup best for you and my phone’s setup works best for me.

Now think about it, when you get a brand new phone, it comes with app already pre-installed on it. Someone else decided to pre-install those apps on your phone because they had reason. Maybe google wants you to use google maps and apple wants you to use apple maps. They didn’t ask you, the phone just comes that way because it’s a benefit to google or apple.

Those pre-installed apps are what I’m referring to when I talk about your brainwashing. I’m talking about the pre-installed programming in your head that various outside forces convinced you that you needed to have while growing up. Instead of google maps or apple maps, I’m talking about things like, which side of the road you drive one, how you intereact with people at work, what’s your default breakfast in the moring, your political party, your religion, how you interact with cops, or restaurant staff, your thoughts on money, time, love, relationships. Don’t think, just complete this sentence. I am _______. People are ________. Life is _________. What did you come up with? Did you come up with those conclusions or did someone else install those apps in your head when you were younger?
When I used the word “brainwashing”, I’m talking about all those programs that are running in your head that were installed before you ever got a chance to consider who you want to be and who you chose to be. When I say “brainwashing”, I’m talking about any thought or idea in your head that you operate on and you’ve never questioned.

When was the last time you took inventory of the apps running in your mind and tested them out to see if they were useful or just spam or adware. What would you find if you could walk through all the programs running in your head? Would you find a bunch of assumptions and decisions that were made when you were a kid? Would you find your parents or family’s voice, or your teachers voice, the TV’s voice, or your teacher’s voice, or a religions voice? How many things do you think you would find that you thought were facts but you never actually got a change to confirm? Things other people told you somewhere on long the line that you never questioned or confirmed. For example, when I was a kid, I overheard an adult telling another adult about how a potted bamboo tree had roached living in it. As a kid of 5 years old, I concluded that roaches must life in bamboo trees and all bamboo trees had cockroaches in them. That’s just wrong. That’s a program that a 5 year old installed in me that I didn’t discover was wrong until I was in my teenager years. Another example is that I believed in Santa Claus as a kid. That wasn’t a little kid’s conclusion, that was a program adults installed in me. It wasn’t until I was 12 or so that I started to realize the program was a lie and had to update the app.

What apps are running in your head that need to be updated? What apps in your head are not serving you, or are flat out not true? Wouldn’t you like to discover them sooner than later? Well here’s how to discover your own brainwashing and reprogram yourself.

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The Watchmaker, Santa, & God Fri, 18 Dec 2020 13:19:00 +0000
Two origin stories of god. One story claims a watch proves god exists? Another story that shows how we lie to get people to behave and obey. You decided.

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The watchmaker is simple. You’re walking in a field and you come across a watch. Clearly it’s complex and precisely made. It must have had an intelligent designer. The presence of the watch proves there must be a watchmaker who created it. The universe and nature are also complex and precise, therefore there must be an intelligent designer.
Religions people do this all the time. they come up with these contrived examples and then drop it on us to find all the flaws in their logic. No. maybe they should educate themselves and use a web search.

Just because an analogy lines up on one point doesn’t mean it lines up on all points. Yes a watch has complexity. Yes a watch has a creator. Yes the universe seem complex. No that doesn’t mean there is a creator. It means the universe is complex.
I’m kind of tired of this pattern where religions people make up stories and we Atheists having to find the flaws in their logic. No. Why don’t you go educate yourself on how logic actually worlds. The watchmaker analogy is BS for very clear reason you can google.
I want to talk about how us Atheist should stop tolerating these long drawn out stories and stop buying into the idea that we have to find the flaws in their logic. No. When they start telling you these stories, cut them off and demand physical evidence.
I want evidence, not a story. I want evidence, not your imagination.
If they want a story, tell them the story of Santa 2.0. Santa is a story to get kids to behave. Santa is a story that parent perpetuate. Do what we say, be good and you get presents. Don’t obey, and you get nothing or coal. Santa is a story that adults use to keep kids in line and obey.
God is just Santa 2.0. Be good, do what we say and you will get rewarded with heaven. Don’t obey and you will go to hell. It’s the story that religion uses to get adults to stay in line and obey.
The kids fight for Sanata. They want to believe, just in case, because they are afraid they won’t get any presents. Adults to the same thing. They fight for God because they are afraid of not going to heaven.
Kids fight for the brainwashing because they want presents. Adults fight for the brainwashing because they want promises of the afterlife. Fear is being used to control kids and adults.
I want to ask the other Atheists out there to stop entertaining stories. When they start telling you these stories, cut them off and demand physical evidence. I want evidence, not a story. I want evidence, not your imagination.
Just because life is complex doesn’t mean there’s a designer. In fact, there have been some amazing example of natural selection in our lifetime. For example, the crickets that fell silent in Hawaii. They were being killed by parasites that tourists brought to the island, so they stopped making their sounds. The crickets stopped singing because the parasites were locating them based on sound. In our lifetime we see how natural select and survival of the fittest works. The crickets made noise, something started killing them because of that noise, now the crickets evolved to not make the noise any more. That’s nature, not intelligent design.
The complexity of nature is clearly and easily explained by natural selection and survival of the fittest. There is no need to look for a watchmaker.

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Is your “God” really “The God of The Gaps”? Wed, 09 Dec 2020 13:32:00 +0000
What if I told god’s domain was shrinking because the god many people believe in is really just “the god of the gaps”. But what does that actually mean? I’ll walk you through it and by the end of this show, you’ll be able to spot the god of the gaps for yourself.

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What if I told god’s domain was shrinking because the god many people believe in is really just “the god of the gaps”. But what does that actually mean? I’ll walk you through it and by the end of this show, you’ll be able to spot the god of the gaps for yourself.

A long, long time ago, humans didn’t know how things worked but they still had many questions.

Why does the sun rises and sets each day. Where does it go when it’s away?

What are the stars? Why does the moon have cycles?

Odds are, you know all the modern answers to these questions… but thousands of years ago, humans had no idea. That was where god stepped in.

Why does the sun rise? I don’t know. god.

Why does the sun set? I don’t know. God must have plan.

Where does the sun go at night? I don’t know. I guess god only knows.

I don’t know how this works, so let’s just say it’s god. God and god’s domain is literally born out of ignorance.

Over time, humans have been using science to discover more and more about how our reality works.

Now we know that the sun is at the center of our solar system and it rises and sets because the earth is spinning. The sun is simply lighting the other side of the world while our side of the planet is in shadow. The moon circles the earth, as it does so, the sun hits it and we see that reflection from different angles, creating the visual cycles of the moon.

We also know that our solar system is held together by your sun’s gravity, which is also a star. And we know that the stars we see at night are all much like our sun.

Science has discovered all this through careful observation, evidence, experimentation, and ultimately launching things into space to get a better look for ourselves.

When we didn’t know how to explain something, it was god, but once science explains it, god’s domain shrinks a little to the questions that are just beyond the answers we’ve discovered.

The “gaps” between what humans know and don’t know is where god gets invoked as an answer; that’s “the god of the gaps”. ‘the god of the gaps” lives in a realm that is just outside human understanding.

It a tricky place because as science expands to explain more things, god’s realm tends to recede along with the gaps in our knowledge. God is the “answer” to anything we haven’t figured out yet. As science explains more, god seems to rule of less.

At the same time, as science explains more it often leads to new questions. New gaps, if you will. This is super convenient for religion because God doesn’t get replaced, he/she/it just gets move into the new gap that is once again on the edge of our understanding.
For example, now we know what the sun is and how our solar system is held together by gravity.

But now the next question arises, Where did our solar system come from. What set it into motion?

Clearly something set the universe in motion. Must be god. –and boom, we just did it again. We just fell into the god of the gaps domain.

Now religion can say “ah-ha!, see! Science doesn’t know all the answers. We have all the answers. The answer is god”

As George Carlin once said, “The God excuse, the last refuge of a man with no answers and no argument.”

Extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence. Once again, I have to point out that the solar system is evidence of a solar system. the universe is evidence of a universe. The bible is evidence of a book written and rewritten by men for thousands of years. God would be evidence of god. The god of the gaps is evidence of the god of the gaps.

Where do you use religion using the god of the gaps? Drop that in the comments to we can educate eachother.

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Call Out Bullies & Bully Tactics Wed, 02 Dec 2020 13:06:00 +0000
As a Kinky, Poly, or Atheist person, you will be targeted by bullies. This video talks about how to respond to and call out bully behaviors.

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Call Out Bullies

1. Breathe to stay calm
2. call out the bully tactics
3. No Name Calling
Bully Tactic: Silencing You
Bully Tactic: Attack & Belittle
Response 1: Walk Away; Don’t Spend Any Time or Energy
Response 2: Stay Calm & Call Out The Bully Tactic
Set Your Rules of Engagement: Respect Me or No Conversation.
Fast Pulse = Fight Or Flight
Fast Pulse = Emotions Driving
Don’t Get Emotinal.
How? Breathe.
The “Emotional Arena” is where They Fight Best.
Bully Tactic: Attack & Belittle
Bully Tactic: Exaggerate Their Side
Bully Tactic: Push People To “Pick Sides”
Bully Tactic: Exaggerate Their Emotions & Minimize Yours
Bully Tactic: Victim & Blame
Bully Tactic: Changing The Subject (because they are “losing”)
Bully Tactic: Social Pressure/Embarrassment
Where To Draw The Line by Anne Katherine:

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How Religion Hijacks You Mon, 30 Nov 2020 13:06:00 +0000
Religion tries to hijack anything that “works” then licks it and tries to claim things as it’s own. I discovered a lot of this through my passion for productivity hacking and life hacking tips.

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Religion tries to hijack anything that “works” then licks it and tries to claim things as it’s own.
I discovered a lot of this through my passion for productivity hacking and life hacking tips.
Habits, tactics, emotions; if it works, religion has hijacked it an already baked into their delivery and holy book.

The do it so their religion can spread. Religion is just an idea that wants to spread and take over humanity.

Any emotion that works is an emotion religion capitalized on. Fear, shame, blame, guilt, social pressure.

They use them to push to do what the religion wants you to do.

3 grateful things. It works. Became: count your blessings. Then insert god.

Habits you can’t help. Hunger. Before meals, count your blessings. You’ll never forget to worship the religion. That’s “Habit Hacking” the subject of many books these days.

Habits you can’t help: Sneezing…. Then religion says “god bless you”

Natural human habit: Curiosity?
(See Future Video: “The God of the Gaps”)

Natural Human Ignorance… keeps you ignorance and keeps you from questioning the religion. It’s brainwashing. having “faith” and never question gets you to obey. If you are ignorant and you stand up for and fight for your ignorance, then you are fighting for your brainwashing.

Natural Human Need Hijacked: Sex. Sex feels nice because it’s how we evolved. We are rewarded with pleasure for spreading the human population. Religion tapped into that by making it “bad” and defining what kind of relationships you are allowed to have. Once you have to ask them permission to get married and go by their rules for sex. They are in control of you. Period. Religions are against alternative relationship styles and sexualities because it directly bucks their control over human.

Natural Human Need Hijacked: Community. Humans are social creatures. We form tribes. Religions tries to corner the market on that with church/temple. It allows the use of social pressure. When religion controls all the closest bonds in your life, how can you ever get away?

Again all this is because it works and it is then used to spread the religion.

What have you noticed religion hijacking?

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Q. Do atheist have morals? Where do they come from if not from a holy book? Fri, 20 Nov 2020 13:03:00 +0000
Q. Do atheist have morals? Where do they come from if not from a holy book? In this video we were explore and answer this question as well as, do religious people have morals?

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First of all, there’s no evidence that your holy book was written by anyone other than men from hundreds or thousands of years ago who didn’t know anything about how reality works at the atomic level.

Somehow we’re all supposed to accept that these ancient people knew the difference between right and wrong when they hadn’t even discovered the compass or circumnavigated the globe. I mean, the didn’t even know the earth was a sphere.

Dear flat earthers, based on obvious evidence, you’re wrong.

History tells us it’s kind of the opposite actually. I mean, no one runs into battle thinking god is on their enemy’s side.

sandwich belongs to someone else. Not because you need a bible vs about sandwiches but because, if it was your sandwich, you wouldn’t want someone to eat it on you like that. Or kill you and then eat.

It’s literally the golden rule. Treat people the way you want to be treated. Yet we still have all these holy books that seems to have a big list of what’s “right” and what’s “wrong”. These lists are a mix of useful ways to coexist, ridiculous arbitrary rules, and contradictory passages. But either way, you need to somehow navigate this tangled web or right and wrong or you’re going to hell.

It sound like they set you up to fail on that one.

But don’t worry. a big part of religion is going to a weekly meeting to have someone tell you a section of the moral web that they consider to be right and wrong. So you can find out your wrong and try to be right.

I have another question for you religious folk….

How do you know your book got it right? I mean if one religion says it’s not okay eat pork while another says it’s to not eat beef. How do you know who’s right? How do you know you’re not both wrong?

If you compare your holy book to all the other thousands of religions throughout time all their holy books, how do you know which book is right? If someone told you your book was right, why did you believe them? I mean, humans have been known to be pretty dang unreliable. And shady.

Would it be moral cut a baby? Or someone genitals? I mean, would you want someone to cut off or mutilate your genitals? That seem clearly, “wrong”

Yet there are religions out there that mutilate women’s genitals. Is that moral?

There are religions out there that mutilate newborn baby boy’s genitals. Is that moral?

So when you ask, do atheist have morals? I naturally want to ask, do religious people have morals?

And here’s the truth. The answer to both questions is, yeah, some of them do, but not all of them.

It doesn’t matter which holy book you say you worship; some people will be or try to be “moral” under that book’s rules and other won’t. Other people will literally question the “morals” in the book because their own internal moral compass is telling them some of the rules can’t be right. So the do that best they can and pick and choose the things that sound moral and skip the things that sound immoral.

If you’re atheist, some people will be or try to be “moral” based on things like the golden rule and others won’t.

I wish I could say we’re all trying our best to “do the right thing” but that’s just not true. There are many people out there who only want to do what’s best for themselves or their side of a historical feud or argument.

My personal answer for myself is that I try to live by the golden rule and it’s a hard thing to do but I get a little better every day.

I know I’m not the only atheist out there so you would be wise to assume that not all atheist follow the golden rule. But there are many athiests who do. And there are many atheist who are banding together under the name “Humanist” and advocate for values and equality and trying to embody the phrase “good without god”. I’ll leave you a link to humanism in the description.

But I guess that’s really what the question is really asking, right? Can Atheists be good without god?

To that, the answer is: yes, absolutely. Go check out the Golden Rule and Humanism.

What’s your moral code? Do you actually follow your holy book’s code or do you follow your own moral code? If so, what does it involve? Drop your answers in the comments below.

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Why don’t I believe in god? Fri, 06 Nov 2020 13:41:00 +0000
I finally got asked the god question so here goes…

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So to be clear, do you mean god or “your god?” because if you think about it, you only believe in your god and everyone else’s god is clearly “wrong” meanwhile, they think the exact same thing as you. They believe in their god and all the other gods are wrong.

Yet it doesn’t bother you every second of ever day that you don’t believe in all those other gods. Not believing in Zeus doesn’t affect your daily life. Even when those pesky Zeus missionaries knock on your door and try to save you from the fires of Hades. You just shrug. Na, I’m good.

So if you think about it, you and I are pretty much the same. You don’t believe in all those other gods and I don’t believe in all those other gods either… I just believe in one less god than you.

What would it take to get you to believe in someone else’s god?

If I told you I have an invisible unicorn best friend, praised be to the horny, that’s grants anyone who believe in it access to a heavenly afterlife, would you believe me? Would you demand evidence of my claims?

I mean the invisible unicorn, praise it’s magnificent horn, in all things and all around us. We know this because it says it right here in the holiest of all books, the invisible unicorn bible, king james edition.

Watch out though… I mean, I’m just warning you. If you don’t believe in the invisible unicorn, praise to the horn, you’ll go to Heck and Heck is full of bad stuff, eternal suffering, nonstop traffic, and a bad hair days forever.

I would be willing to bet there’s no way you’d believe in the invisible unicorn, praised be the ultimate horniness, Does that all seem ridiculous?

So yeah, I believe in one less god than you for a very simple reason. I demand evidence. There is no evidence of god. There’s also no evidence of heaven or hell for that matter.
“The Bible is evidence of god” … no, it’s evidence of a book written and rewritten by men for thousands of years.

“guided by a divine hand” …. Great, show me the evidence.

“nature” …. No nature is evidence of nature. God would be evidence of god.

Here’s the thing, I want evidence. I’m begging you for it. Show me evidence so I can believe too. But without evidence, it’s just a fairytale. It’s a global conpericy, the same way santa claus is a global conpiricy that lies to kids. As long as you believe in santa… as long as you have faith in santa, you will be blessed with presents from him. God, is basically Santa 2.0. Santa for adults who would rather have faith in the idea so strongly that they don’t even look for the evidence any more.

It’s actually a pretty amazing comparison, santa vs god. But I’ll save that for another video.

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What to expect from Kinky Poly Atheist Mon, 21 Sep 2020 11:02:00 +0000

This is a quick walk through what Kinky Poly Atheist stands for and what you can expect from this channel.

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