Poly & Relationships

Monogamy = Scarcity Mindset

I was explaining polyamory to someone and I found myself applying the idea of “scarcity vs abundance mindsets” to “relationships”. It was a pretty surprising discovery so I made a video about it.

5 Types of “Open” People To Avoid

Here are the top 5 types of men & women to avoid open relationships with!
“Typical Monogamous Red Flags. they don’t want to hear about your other partners. They won’t introduce you to their partner. They may not be open at all. their relationship might be in trouble. Their partner might not actually be okay with this “open” thing. “Gray Area” Relationships Status. They don’t subscribe to this youtube channel. They have A LOT of “rules”.

Jealousy is my FAVORITE emotion! Want to know WHY?

Everyone avoids Jealousy or is afraid of Jealous feelings –But I love it! It tells me so much about myself every time it surfaces and now I look forward to it. This video not only explains why, but will also walk your through a little thought experiment to help you get the same wonderful benefits out of your own jealousy.

Adam & Bell’s Poly Break Up Story

This is the story of how Adam & Bell broke up. Adam & Bell are a polyamorous couple in an open relationship that ultimately doesn’t work out. This video uses relationship maps to show what their polycule looks like as it evolves over time.