How Religion Hijacks You

Religion tries to hijack anything that “works” then licks it and tries to claim things as it’s own. I discovered a lot of this through my passion for productivity hacking and life hacking tips.

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Religion tries to hijack anything that “works” then licks it and tries to claim things as it’s own.
I discovered a lot of this through my passion for productivity hacking and life hacking tips.
Habits, tactics, emotions; if it works, religion has hijacked it an already baked into their delivery and holy book.

The do it so their religion can spread. Religion is just an idea that wants to spread and take over humanity.

Any emotion that works is an emotion religion capitalized on. Fear, shame, blame, guilt, social pressure.

They use them to push to do what the religion wants you to do.

3 grateful things. It works. Became: count your blessings. Then insert god.

Habits you can’t help. Hunger. Before meals, count your blessings. You’ll never forget to worship the religion. That’s “Habit Hacking” the subject of many books these days.

Habits you can’t help: Sneezing…. Then religion says “god bless you”

Natural human habit: Curiosity?
(See Future Video: “The God of the Gaps”)

Natural Human Ignorance… keeps you ignorance and keeps you from questioning the religion. It’s brainwashing. having “faith” and never question gets you to obey. If you are ignorant and you stand up for and fight for your ignorance, then you are fighting for your brainwashing.

Natural Human Need Hijacked: Sex. Sex feels nice because it’s how we evolved. We are rewarded with pleasure for spreading the human population. Religion tapped into that by making it “bad” and defining what kind of relationships you are allowed to have. Once you have to ask them permission to get married and go by their rules for sex. They are in control of you. Period. Religions are against alternative relationship styles and sexualities because it directly bucks their control over human.

Natural Human Need Hijacked: Community. Humans are social creatures. We form tribes. Religions tries to corner the market on that with church/temple. It allows the use of social pressure. When religion controls all the closest bonds in your life, how can you ever get away?

Again all this is because it works and it is then used to spread the religion.

What have you noticed religion hijacking?

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