Metamours: My Partner’s Partners

What are Metamours? What it’s like to be a Metamour. What it’s like to have a Metamour. What it’s like to have two partners who are each other’s Metamour.

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What are Metamours? How to get along with them. Logistics behind having a Meta. How the relationships can unfold.

Meta + Amour. Meta meaning: with or about or something bigger than. Amour meaning love.
Your partner’s other partner is your metamour (or meta). If you have two partners, they are each others Metamour.
There’s two major things to talk about: the logistics behind having a metamour and the relationship between the metamours.
Logistics are things like when to go on dates and how to interact when all at the same party. Where and when does sex happen?
Relationship with metamours; they could simply not know each other, or be indifferent, or just okay with eachother. Sometimes they like having out. Sometimes there’s jealousy between them. Sometimes they just don’t like each other. Maybe someone is triggered or getting red flags.
Both partners want to go out on Friday… what do you do?
You’re living with partner A and partner B is coming over… what do you do?
Is it okay to have sex with partner B in your own house?
Time is usually the biggest point of contention.
If the three of you all end up at the same party, how do you act?
Interactions between Metas
Metas who are introverted? Metas who are standoffish? One on one chats with your meta. Respect and grace. Meta’s can get along and it can be amazing. Ask about how your meta is doing. Checkins with your meta or about your meta. Jealousy with Metas. What if your meta doesn’t like you?
Don’t put the partner that links the metas in the middle of disagreements.

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