The Watchmaker, Santa, & God

Two origin stories of god. One story claims a watch proves god exists? Another story that shows how we lie to get people to behave and obey. You decided.

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The watchmaker is simple. You’re walking in a field and you come across a watch. Clearly it’s complex and precisely made. It must have had an intelligent designer. The presence of the watch proves there must be a watchmaker who created it. The universe and nature are also complex and precise, therefore there must be an intelligent designer.
Religions people do this all the time. they come up with these contrived examples and then drop it on us to find all the flaws in their logic. No. maybe they should educate themselves and use a web search.

Just because an analogy lines up on one point doesn’t mean it lines up on all points. Yes a watch has complexity. Yes a watch has a creator. Yes the universe seem complex. No that doesn’t mean there is a creator. It means the universe is complex.
I’m kind of tired of this pattern where religions people make up stories and we Atheists having to find the flaws in their logic. No. Why don’t you go educate yourself on how logic actually worlds. The watchmaker analogy is BS for very clear reason you can google.
I want to talk about how us Atheist should stop tolerating these long drawn out stories and stop buying into the idea that we have to find the flaws in their logic. No. When they start telling you these stories, cut them off and demand physical evidence.
I want evidence, not a story. I want evidence, not your imagination.
If they want a story, tell them the story of Santa 2.0. Santa is a story to get kids to behave. Santa is a story that parent perpetuate. Do what we say, be good and you get presents. Don’t obey, and you get nothing or coal. Santa is a story that adults use to keep kids in line and obey.
God is just Santa 2.0. Be good, do what we say and you will get rewarded with heaven. Don’t obey and you will go to hell. It’s the story that religion uses to get adults to stay in line and obey.
The kids fight for Sanata. They want to believe, just in case, because they are afraid they won’t get any presents. Adults to the same thing. They fight for God because they are afraid of not going to heaven.
Kids fight for the brainwashing because they want presents. Adults fight for the brainwashing because they want promises of the afterlife. Fear is being used to control kids and adults.
I want to ask the other Atheists out there to stop entertaining stories. When they start telling you these stories, cut them off and demand physical evidence. I want evidence, not a story. I want evidence, not your imagination.
Just because life is complex doesn’t mean there’s a designer. In fact, there have been some amazing example of natural selection in our lifetime. For example, the crickets that fell silent in Hawaii. They were being killed by parasites that tourists brought to the island, so they stopped making their sounds. The crickets stopped singing because the parasites were locating them based on sound. In our lifetime we see how natural select and survival of the fittest works. The crickets made noise, something started killing them because of that noise, now the crickets evolved to not make the noise any more. That’s nature, not intelligent design.
The complexity of nature is clearly and easily explained by natural selection and survival of the fittest. There is no need to look for a watchmaker.

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